Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Every Time I Think Of You

Poet Name: ANON

If every time I think of you…

Just how much do I think of you???
If every time I think of you a rose would sprout…
Then in a rose bush would I be walking about
If every time I think of you a grain of sand would form…

Then in a desert would I have wandered forlorn
If every time I think of you a drop of rain would fall…
Then in a flood would I be engulfed
If every time I think of you a tree would grow…
Then a forest would I have to show
If every time I think of you a drop of water would evaporate…
Then all the seas would be a bed-barren and desolate
If every time I think of you snow would melt…
Then avalanche upon avalanche from snow capped peaks would proceed
If every time I think of you a leaf would fall…
Then we would be in permanent Fall
If every time I think of you a blade of grass would thrive…
Then the land a green carpet, would I contrive

If every time I think of you an sms would I send…
I’m afraid you’d think my head needs a mend
For every minute of the day and night would be accompanied by a beep...
Thereby making it cumbersome for you to sleep…
Then bundle upon bundle would I have to spend…
Knowing that it would be worth it all in the end…
Just to bring that warm glow on your countenance…
Would be worth all the pennies spent..

If every time I think of you would earn me a rand…
Then I would indeed be a very wealthy man
If every time I think of you would cost me a dollar…
Then truly would I be a pauper
A happy one indeed..
Why? you ask almost in distress…
Because it’s the priceless thought of YOU I possess…

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